Monday, August 8, 2011

Check Out Baby Trend Diaper Champ for $29.99

Baby Trend Diaper Champ Review

Baby Trend Diaper Champ Feature

  • Model 4100

Baby Trend Diaper Champ Overview

When dealing with a young baby or squirming toddler at diaper changing time, the last thing you need is a diaper pail that requires two hands. The Diaper Champ helps eliminate hassle—and odor—by providing convenient one-hand operation for quick disposals.

Even better is that this wondrous device takes regular garbage bags. There is no need to constantly buy brand name refills because the Champ can use the typical tall kitchen sack, plus grocery or most other plastic bags. Aside from the use of regular bags making it the economical choice, this feature also makes the Champ more flexible. While diapers will no doubt be the most thrown away item, this pail can also accommodate wipes, cotton swabs, tissues, and other baby essentials.

Functionality is simple: drop a diaper (or other trash) into the pail’s top receptacle and flip the handle. To empty, just unlock the top and remove the bag. Standing about two feet high, the Diaper Champ’s capacity is on par or larger than many of its competitors, usually only requiring a bag change once a week.

But the true test of any diaper pail is its smell control, right? Most moms we polled claimed the Champ the hands-down winner, and only a few had occasional escaped odors after 18+ months of use. Once toddlers have been introduced to solid foods using scented bags can help fight off any excess pail smell. Another great tip for keeping the Champ fresh is to quickly spray it down with a disinfectant when changing bags.

Baby Trend Diaper Champ Specifications

In this corner... it's the Diaper Champ. Standing a bit taller than the competition, this wondrous contraption actually uses regular garbage bags, making it super economical (no refills, hooray!). It also holds a few more diapers than other pails we've tried. To use it, simply drop a diaper in and flip the handle. To empty it, just unlock it and remove the bag. But the true test of a diaper pail is its smell control, right? Overall, most moms thought that the Champ deserved its title, and only a few detected an occasional escaped odor or two. It is a bit difficult to open (hint: take it slow), but for those of you with a curious and experimental toddler in your house, this may be okay. --Melissa Wilson

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*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Aug 08, 2011 11:05:09

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